Health Benefits
Raspberry leaf is a tea women specifically should drink everyday, but everyone can benefit from its healing abilities!
Pregnancy aid and menstrual cycle
Treats Cardiovascular Issues
Aids in Digestion
Boosts Immune System
Stimulates Fertility
Reduces Inflammation
Skin Care
Weight Loss
Pregnancy aid and menstrual cycle
Raspberry leaf is also known as a woman’s plant.It is mainly known for its ability to help labor and ease childbirth, due to the effects it can have on the uterine wall. It strengthens the uterine wall, which may increase the chances of embryo implantation and reduces the chance of early miscarriage. It can strengthen and tone the muscles, and make for a speedier and lesser painful time in the delivery room.
The American Pregnancy Association also states that drinking the tea reduces the need for interventions during childbirth.It’s thought that an easier labor with fewer interventions could decrease the amount of bleeding in the postpartum state.
While red raspberry leaf tea is typically recommended for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, some women use the herbal remedy to help with nausea and vomiting in the first trimester as well
It is also helpful with symptoms of PMS. What’s more, one ounce (28 grams) of red raspberry leaves pack 3.3 mg of iron, which is 18% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for women aged 19–50. Getting enough iron can combat the anemia often experienced by women with heavy menstrual cycles.
Treats Cardiovascular Issues
The concentration of potassium in this herb makes it excellent for reducing blood pressure and protecting the cardiovascular system against atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
Aids in Digestion
The anti-inflammatory properties of raspberry leaf help to soothe stomach aches and prevent constipation. It can also stimulate smooth muscle contraction, which can normalize bowel movements and ease bloating and cramping. In excess, however, these effects make this tea a laxative, so consume in moderation.
Boosts Immune System
Vitamin C in raspberry leaf tea helps to enhance the functioning of immune system and stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body.
Stimulates Fertility
Traditionally, raspberry leaf tincture has been used to stimulate fertility, both in men and women, primarily because it can balance hormone levels. If males are experiencing too many estrogenic compounds, their reproductive ability will suffer, and vice versa. The compounds in this herb can curb those hormone imbalances in people.
Reduces Inflammation
Raspberry leaf tincture can help soothe symptoms of arthritis, gout, headaches, fever, and gastrointestinal distress due to the potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients in the leaves.
Skin Care
People commonly use raspberry leaf tincture to heal the irritation on the skin. Due to its high levels of vitamin E and C, as well as various antioxidants, it soothes inflammation caused by psoriasis, acne, and eczema, among others, and can be used topically or internally for this effect.
Weight Loss
Known widely as a low-calorie tea with a metabolism-stimulating characteristic, raspberry leaf tea is popular with people who are trying to lose weight. This tincture can help make you feel full while delivering key nutrients and boosting your energy levels.